On this week's episode, we recap the #SportsConf discussion about the Rise of the Millenials: Best Practices in Engaging Today's Fan in the Feed with a great panel Jayne Bussman-Wise, Kash Razzagh, Kevin DeShazo, Patrick Cassidy and Valerie De La Rosa.
On this Sports Geek Podcast you will learn:
- How to track and engage the millenial fans.
- Today's sports fans' preference on consuming content.
- Engaging fans from a team, social platform, brand, content discovery engine, fan network, etc. point of view.
- The importance of creating a community where there's a conversation around your team/brand.
- The significance of shifting the focus on the fans, instead of on your team/brand
- Building brand awareness VS monetisation schemes
- Why you need to approach different social platforms distinctly

Resources from the podcast
- Register at HashtagSportsConf.com and watch replays from 2 days of Hangouts
- Connect with Jayne Bussman-Wise from NYCFC on Twitter @jaynebwise & LinkedIn
- Connect with Patrick Cassidy from New Balance on Twitter @patrickecassidy & LinkedIn
- Connect with Valerie De La Rosa from StumbleUpon on Twitter @vdlr & LinkedIn
- Connect with Kash Razzaghi from Fancred on Twitter @hrazzaghi & LinkedIn
- Connect with Kevin DeShazo from Fieldhouse Media on Twitter @kevindeshazo & LinkedIn
- Connect with Hashtag Sports' Steve Cobb (Twitter @steve_cobb / LinkedIn) and Anthony Caponiti (Twitter @caponiti / LinkedIn)
- Listen to #SportsConf panelists on recent Sports Geek Podcasts
- Listen to last year's #SportsConf panel replay on ep #33
- Listen to Bryan Srabian discuss digital the San Francisco Giants Way
- AEG Sports' Aaron LeValley chats digital in LA with Kings & Galaxy
- Golden State Warriors' Kevin Cote on engaging fans
- Grab tickets to Unconvention in Melbourne on Feb 28
- Join #SportsBizMelb to connect with Melbourne's sports business community
- Grab your ticket to @SEATConference
- San Francisco 19-22 July 2015 – SPECIAL SPORTS GEEK OFFER – Australian & NZ attendees
- SEAT London March 17 2015 – SEE YOU IN LONDON
- Contact Sean if you’re interested in the pre-SEAT trip taking in sports in Seattle, Portland & San Francisco
- Like SEAT on Facebook and follow @SEATconference on Twitter
- Join Sean at Social Media Marketing World in San Diego
- Have you signed up for weekly Sports Geek News?
Preview for Unconvention with Jack Delosa
Watch the #SportsConf replay on YouTube
Posts from #SportsConf you may have missed
What 7:00am looks like at Sports Geek
Getting ready in #SportsConf green room tune in now http://t.co/9p7RVxqcw1 pic.twitter.com/vLEUL1hOvC
— Sean Callanan (@seancallanan) February 19, 2015
Some tweets from our Google Hangout
"It's a privilege as a brand to be in any consumer's feed." – @vdlr #SportsConf
— Jess Smith (@WarJessEagle) February 19, 2015
Jess all over it as a panelist and live tweeting
This, this! @PatrickECassidy nails it when he says it's not about what you care about; it's what your consumer cares about. #SportsConf
— Jess Smith (@WarJessEagle) February 19, 2015
Thanks Kevin for your contributions
"Being a sports fan is more than liking a team. It's part of the fabric of who you are." –@hrazzaghi #SportsConf
— Kevin DeShazo (@KevinDeShazo) February 19, 2015
Content fatigue is a problem
Millenials: "This generation is suffering from content fatigue." –@vdlr #overmarketing #sportsconf
— Jonathan Levitt (@JWLevitt) February 19, 2015
Hamsters > Cats on StumbleUpon
Important for content creators: @vdlr says hamsters have replaced cats as the "it" animal on the interwebs. Plan accordingly. #SportsConf
— Kevin DeShazo (@KevinDeShazo) February 19, 2015
Follow the panelists
Thanks to my talented panel @vdlr @kevindeshazo @jaynebwise @patrickecassidy @hrazzaghi on #SportsConf fun way to start a day
— Sean Callanan (@seancallanan) February 19, 2015
Great 2 days from Steve & Anthony
.@Fancred CEO, @hrazzaghi speaking at #SportsConf on Engaging Today's Fan http://t.co/1rJabUBf0R pic.twitter.com/miMUuyEF8O
— Hashtag Sports (@HashtagSports) February 19, 2015
Andre Igoudala finished off #SportsConf with Erin Sharoni
.@andre getting ready for his #SportsConf G+ Hangout interview. Tune in here: http://t.co/Glfz0s7tTA pic.twitter.com/nS848Di9WZ
— GoldenStateWarriors (@warriors) February 19, 2015
Thanks to the guys from Hashtag Sports
Thank you to our 80+ speakers + entire #SportsConf community for making the last 2 days so special. See you in 2016! pic.twitter.com/81o4k8hN7M
— Hashtag Sports (@HashtagSports) February 20, 2015
Are you following @seancallanan on Instagram?