On episode #18 of Sports Geek Q&A episode Sean Callanan answers the following questions:

  • If there are no spectators in stadiums, what ways do you think broadcasting could improve the viewing experience and atmosphere for tv? Knowing that it was strange atmosphere for the first round of AFL season having no spectators in the stadium.  Grace van der Merwe a #SportsBiz Zoom Call question
  • What are the typical skills needed to work in sports digital? Mia via Twitter DM
  • Do you collect sports memorabilia if so what is one of your fave pieces? – Self question inspired by JW Cannon tweets

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Question one comes from Grace van der Merwe I hope I'm saying your name right. Grace grace has asked this on the Sports Business Zoom Call.  If there are no spectators in stadiums, what ways do you think broadcasting could improve the viewing experience and atmosphere for TV? Knowing that it was strange atmosphere in the first round of the AFL season with no spectators in fan. So yes. This part of the world in Australia, we've had a, the AFL have a round of games without fans. And we've also had the NRL with a round of fans around without fans. And most likely we're going to head to that, in the very near future as we start seeing this return to sport. some of the things we did discuss and have discussed, and some of the things that I have seen, we have heard, piping of sound, into stadiums and, as, as really as a way for almost a give a benefit for the players, but then also create a bit more atmosphere on the broadcast. there is talk, of CGI, but, knowing how much CGI costs and the way to implemented, it will be very, very difficult. I do love, this was out of Germany, the cardboard cutouts. a fans, I know if I was allowed, I would be buying a cardboard cutout. to put myself in, in the my seat where I'm meant to be. so I think there's potential for that. We have seen robotic mannequins. I think it was in Japan. I think there will be some things done in the, the broadcast to improve the viewing experience. I think it's going to be tough. I think we'll see the, broadcasters, producers tighten the shots to try to reduce, the empty shots. but I do think the sound and the volume is something that. They're going to work on. but like all of us, everyone is looking for, I guess differences. And I think there will be some tech. play in that space, whether it's us calling out, accessing it via phones, yelling, maybe there's some way to pipe in the, the content or even something like a, think it was Manchester United that did, back in the days of Google plus, had fans engaging in, jumping up and down, through led. And we saw something similar to that with the NFL draft, with the fans sort of cheering behind Roger Goodall every time he was making a pick. So maybe there are some things like that. but it's not going to be the same, but we're going to find out what, is sort of how we get through it. and the broadcasters will most likely do things to try to engage the lounge room more than trying to, amping up the, amping up the stadium ambience. So I guess, I think after this break and not having sport, I think fans will be just happy to see the best players out there playing again. and we'll probably put to the side, I guess the stadium piece. And then other thing to add, and it's more on the commentary of what's happening potentially happening in NBA, they might not do it in the biggest of stadiums. There is talk that the NBA will be played in smaller stadiums, which will allow for different type of, crowd shot. but if everyone, and I think everyone is listening, this is probably a lot watching the Last Dance, we were all quite happy to be watching, the dream team, footage out of, Monte-Carlo, which is, you know, over, over 20 years old. We're almost 30 years old now. like, you know, I think just being able to watch sports will be, enough. But I'm looking forward to seeing what the broadcasters do and how digital can sort of play a part. So thanks for the question, Grace. They actually come along to the Sports Business zoom calls.

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This question came in from Mia via Twitter DM. what are the typical skills needed to work in sports digital? So the first, answer that.iu s all of them. I think to work in sports, digital, you've gotta be multifaceted and have multiple skills. and so when I'm looking at the skills, ability to write, ability to, to write, articles, but also craft copy and those kinds of things, I think the ability to put some words together is good if you can get in front of camera and talk to camera or do audio, that's also an advantage. And then also, knowing the platforms. I'm a big believer in diving into the platforms, knowing them really well. For yourself, whether it's Facebook or Instagram or Twitter or TicTok. learn the, learn the platforms on your accounts. and it'll also be a way that you actually get found, so know the platforms and then know the tools that will be at your disposal. Sometimes you will only have a camera. Sorry. Sorry. Sometimes you'll only have a phone. How can you maximize that phone? I'm not going to get into, should it be an iPhone? It should have been Android. I can't do that in 10 minutes. I'm team Android just for the reference. but then also what can you do with a camera? Can you shoot video, and, and make it look good and fill the gap where needed. so again, I think it is ability to, to be pliable and that kind of stuff. And then I think it's a skill. It's something I've talked about a lot to work in sports and to work in sports, digital overall. You've got to put in the hard work and you've got to show a bit of grit, cause it's not going to be handed to you on a platter. You've gotta be able to show that you can apply yourself and, work, an amazing amount of time, and to potentially be under, under rewarded. but it is quite rewarding to be part of a team in a, in a team culture. So, if you can show that spark and that grit to, to want the spot, then you will find a spot. But, really Polish your skills. Now I'm on all the platforms. So when you do get the chance, when you get the keys to that big term account or that big league account, and you can, you can drive it.

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Question three. And it's my, it's my Q and a segment, so I get to ask myself questions. It's a self question, but it's inspired by a friend of mine, JW Cannon, who's been on the podcast before he started Cannon's Collectibles. And, he's been sharing different pieces of memorabilia. And so I thought the question I would ask, was around, I've got a bunch of sports memorabilia around here. I was going to talk about one of the favorite pieces, and I did share it on a sports zoom call recently. we're obviously all watching. Second mention of the Last Dance are all what's in the last sense. that era of NBA basketball, in the late eighties into the nineties, was my era. That's the era I've used growing up. if you've heard me talk or speak and talk about, the digital fans and how they change, I use myself as an example. When I was 16, I was a massive Detroit Pistons fan. I'm a big fan of Isiah Thomas. and one of my favorite piece of memorabilia is said an authentic piece of. floor from the back-to-back champion a piston. So I believe that, I believe it's a piece of the palace floor. I do know some of the things that happen behind the scenes and what is authentic and not authentic, but please don't steal my dreams. but that is one of my favorite pieces of sports memorabilia. I'd love to know yours. we're all in sport cause we love the world of sport. do you have a cherished memory or a piece of memorabilia, it would be a ticket stub. which unfortunately we don't get a lot of these days as we move to digital. That is a, is a memory, whether it be as a fan or as working as part of the team. I might've been a really big queen or a big player for final series. it might be a lanyard and the like

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