On this special episode of the Sports Geek podcast, I wrap up #SEAT2015 with a recap of the conference by chatting with first time attendee and fellow Aussie, Greg Oakford the Marketing and Communications Manager from Golf Victoria.
On this Sports Geek Podcast you will learn about:
- Greg's key takeaways from his first SEAT experience
- Some of the Greg's highlights of #SEAT2015 including key networking opportunities, digital marketing tracks and CXO sessions
- The tour of Levi's Stadium, the infrastructure and new ways on how they are engaging their fans
- The rebrand of the Atlanta Hawks and the amazing presentation by Peter Sorckoff
- The value of connecting with your peers across the globe and hearing what the elite organisations and frontrunners are actually doing
- AT&T Park experience – SEAT softball game, what is sour grapes from #TeamCRM?

Resources from the podcast
- Connect with Greg Oakford on Twitter (@GregOakford) and Linkedin
- Follow Golf Victoria on Facebook, @Golf_Vic on Twitter and Golf_Vic on Instagram
- Listen to Greg on Beers, Blokes & Business podcast
- Listen to podcast episode from SEAT London
- Like SEAT on Facebook and follow @SEATconference on Twitter
- Have you signed up for weekly Sports Geek News?
#SEAT2015 attendee recaps
- 8 takeaways from SEAT 2015 – Tom Halls – British Tennis
- What you missed at SEAT 2015 – Fiona Green – Winners
- 5 key takeaways from SEAT 2015 – Amir Zozoni – Zoomph
- Adversaries on the Field, Allies off it: Why I’m Inspired by #SEAT2015 – Lenny Goh – Tradable Bits
- Why you should attend SEAT 2016 – Rich Campbell
#SEAT2015 Highlights
Levis Stadium tour a fave of many at SEAT
Getting a tour of @LevisStadium #seat2015 another great @seatconference event pic.twitter.com/EBI7vFaiGN
— Sean Callanan (@seancallanan) July 20, 2015
Great to catch up with Kenny Lauer @kennyl and NBA trophy (and the newest jersey for the office, full disclosure got the jersey in March when I was in San Francisco)
Paul Greenberg panel, love listening to Paul talk.
Love hearing @pgreenbe moderate a panel, always insightful. Smart bloke. #seat2015 pic.twitter.com/HIUfZI4yVf
— Sean Callanan (@seancallanan) July 20, 2015
Thanks again Kylie Caflisch, please connect with her on LinkedIn, she did a great job on @SEATconference Twitter.
Don't forget to seek out and thank @kyliecaflisch, she has done a great job with @SEATconference social #seat2015 pic.twitter.com/RsNlsqYdSA
— Sean Callanan (@seancallanan) July 22, 2015
Facebook tour, thanks to Bob Morgan after SEAT, Building 20 was amazing.
At @facebook building 20 absolutely amazing, great finish to #seat2015 trip pic.twitter.com/MxiWTgi9FT
— Sean Callanan (@seancallanan) July 22, 2015
SEAT Softball Tournament – #teamdigital FTW
Playing outfield why not take a selfie #seat2015 @SEATconference #teamdigital get the W pic.twitter.com/zCS1dJdaMR
— Sean Callanan (@seancallanan) July 22, 2015
Thanks Chip Foley for capturing the winning moment I owe you a football.
#teamdigital with the win @SEATconference #SEAT2015 pic.twitter.com/hdZNbb9yNd
— Chip Foley (@mrchipfoley) July 22, 2015
Fun times in San Francisco looking forward to SEAT 2016 in Las Vegas already.
Sports Geek Podcast by the numbers
Thanks for the review on iTunes
Sports Business
in iTunes by Pedro Iriondo from Germany on July 16, 2015
Great podcast and a must-listen for all those interested in the business side of sports, very interesting insights from industry professionals, especially from digital marketing.