In the latest podcast, Sean catches up with Melbourne Storm's Natalle Brown back in Melbourne after Natalle attended SEAT and the Sports Geek pre SEAT Tour. Natalle shares her experiences as well as chats about the Storm's new loyalty program tailored specifically for fans.
On this Sports Geek Podcast you will learn about:
- How Melbourne Storm cultivated the first Australian loyalty program designed specifically for members and fans
- How Storm members and fan can accumulate loyalty points
- How to break in to sports (yes having a Dad working in sports helps)
- What it is actually like working in sports
- The importance of Melbourne Storm being a membership organisation
- Openness and collaborative nature of SEAT CRM Track
- Why Sean brought a pre-SEAT touring party…. the lightning story

Resources from the podcast
- Connect with Natalle Brown on LinkedIn and @NatalleBrown on Twitter
- Connect with Melbourne Storm on Twitter (@storm) and Facebook
- Find out more about Melbourne Storm and their Lightning Rewards program
- Listen to Natalle's Dad Michael Brown discuss his role at Asian Cup
- Other episodes featuring Melbourne Storm
- Like SEAT on Facebook and follow @SEATconference on Twitter and check out @SEATConference on Instagram
- Have you signed up for weekly Sports Geek News?
#SEAT2015 highlights from Natalle Brown
Playing softball
That time we played softball on AT&T Park at @SEATconference #SEAT2015
— Natalle Brown (@NatalleBrown) August 14, 2015
Shiny Trophies
LA, Portland & San Francisco a big week of #SportsBiz
Back to work at Storm
A member asked if the boys could sign his car at today's Premium Member event. Why not! Making dreams come true
— Natalle Brown (@NatalleBrown) August 8, 2015
A pleasure to travel with Natalle in USA, here are the levels for Lightning Rewards
Caption this competition
Have you entered the “Caption This” competition featuring Russell Scibetti?
Leave a comment on this episode show notes post, the best comment as judged by us will win a Sports Geek T-Shirt
Entries close August 30
Sports Geek Podcast by the numbers
Thanks for the review on iTunes
Great listening!
iTunes by Dewey7 from Australia on January 26, 2015
Really easy and enjoyable podcast to listen to, Sean's interviews and general chat is very engaging and the 45 minutes or so tends to fly by!!