On this week's episode Sean revisits his advice for athletes using social media in 2017 with a platform by platform breakdown on how they should be used.
On this podcast you'll learn about:
- What the pros and cons are for athletes on social media
- How ongoing training is the key for athletes to manage issues such as trolls and times of crisis
- The differences between platforms from an athlete perspective
- Sean's advice from the recent Sunday session interview on ABC Grandstand
- Why the “Auntie Kath rule” still applies

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Some tweets you may have missed
New shoes for SEAT Conference!
New @SportsGeekShoes for @SEATconference #SEATAtlanta thanks to @NIKEiD pic.twitter.com/jSyQU3lwUN
— Sports Geek Shoes (@SportsGeekShoes) July 15, 2017
Listen to my chat on ABC Grandstand last weekend
How should athletes navigate social media and deal with the consequences? @seancallanan explains: https://t.co/Ys3AraW75v
— ABC Sport AFL (@ABCAFL) July 9, 2017
Thanks for the review on iTunes
A “must listen” for the business of sports and sports technology
in iTunes by Tod Caflisch from USA on July 10, 2017
If you are interested in the business of sports or sports tech, make the SportsGeek podcast your number one listen. Sean Callanan not only brings great global sports insight and experience to his content but also regularly includes compelling guest interviews from all over the world of sports. Whether you are looking for information on digital, strategy, venue/team technology or operations, you'll find it here.