Social Media Platforms Review

These calls were recorded on 12th May 2021 as part of our regular calls.

The topic was Social Media Platforms Review – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Linkedin and more.

Opinions expressed on the call are personal only and may not reflect the view of the employer.

We want to maintain #SportsBizZoom conversations to be as open as possible so please respect that.

10:01:47 From Dominic Remond to Everyone : Dom Remond CEO Easts Rugby

10:01:53 From Dominic Remond to Everyone :

10:02:10 From Matt Ticket Time Machine™ to Everyone : Happy Tuesday/Wednesday!

10:03:03 From Edward Michael Schiller to Everyone : Edward Schiller Media Communications Intern, Easts Rugby

10:03:05 From Edward Michael Schiller to Everyone :

10:03:12 From matt payne to Everyone : Matt Payne – owner Acclaim Media, also just started freelancing with the Sponsorship News newsletter

10:03:13 From matt payne to Everyone :

10:03:48 From matt payne to Everyone : Based on the Gold Coast (also got a home renovator upstairs, glad I’m not the only one!)

10:04:13 From Paul Bains to Everyone : Good afternoon, Paul from New Zealand Sport Radio an Online sports content producer

10:04:14 From Tod Caflisch to Everyone : Tod Caflisch – Sports Tech Consultant – TechFoundry –

10:04:25 From Matt Ticket Time Machine™ to Everyone :

10:04:55 From Felix Koehler to Everyone : Sorry guys, still trying to connect my audio!

10:04:58 From Felix Koehler to Everyone : Hey everyone, Felix Koehler, Account Manager @ FanHub Media – Digital Fan Engagement company, Melbourne, Looking forward to connecting

10:07:54 From Matt Ticket Time Machine™ to Everyone : But we are still able to offer commemorative tickets!

10:09:50 From Paul Bains to Everyone : Best crowd for a Super Rugby game in Australia since 2011 when the Reds won Super Rugby I think

10:09:59 From Matt Ticket Time Machine™ to Everyone : Florida too!

10:10:55 From Dominic Remond to Everyone : Great to see some crowds return to Super rugby

10:13:01 From Paul Bains to Everyone : Lots of basketball on at the moment with the NBL and Sals NBL in action locally

10:14:31 From Ronen Ainbinder to Everyone :

10:15:04 From Ronen Ainbinder to Everyone : In case someone’s interested – here’s my newsletter as well

10:16:33 From Aileen McManamon to Everyone : Twitter

10:16:39 From Ronen Ainbinder to Everyone : Facebook?

10:16:44 From Matt Ticket Time Machine™ to Everyone : LinkedIn

10:16:47 From Paul Bains to Everyone : Facebook is king in NZ but YouTube is the best for live streaming interaction

10:16:47 From Jason Greenhalgh to Everyone : Insta

10:16:47 From Edward Michael Schiller to Everyone : Instagram

10:16:49 From Rachel Bergin to Everyone : Instagram

10:16:49 From Felix Koehler to Everyone : Twitter

10:16:54 From Dominic Remond to Everyone : Insat

10:16:57 From matt payne to Everyone : FB or Insta

10:17:04 From Dominic Remond to Everyone : insta even

10:17:11 From Amanda Jenkins to Everyone : Facebook globally

10:17:12 From Paul Bains to Everyone : YouTube for livestreaming

10:17:15 From Matt Ticket Time Machine™ to Everyone : Everyone has a favorite!

10:17:27 From matt payne to Everyone : FB – depends on client! 😛

10:17:34 From Aileen McManamon to Everyone : Matt Wolfe – as the King of LinkedIn – is contractually obligated to say LI

10:17:46 From Doug Mann to Everyone : Instagram for losing an hour a day!

10:18:29 From Doug Mann to Everyone : For me it’s Stories-feed-reels

10:18:48 From Matt Ticket Time Machine™ to Everyone : thanks Aileen. Unfortunately they haven’t reached out to me for all the pub I am giving them.

10:19:19 From Matt Ticket Time Machine™ to Everyone : I think Instagram is really bad for engaging compared to Twitter and Facebook.

10:19:21 From Dominic Remond to Everyone : Slow mo vid on Reels

10:19:27 From Paul Bains to Everyone : I’m not on Insta so can’t add anything here

10:21:21 From Paul Bains to Everyone : So are we removing social from social media?

10:22:05 From Aileen McManamon to Everyone : I think the action on abuse control is coming. With brands and the 6 mo #StopHateForProfit and last week's EPL blackout – and likely some US leg coming down in our current admin –it will get better.

10:25:38 From Paul Bains to Everyone : Not really

10:25:57 From Matt Ticket Time Machine™ to Everyone : Gotta run. Doing a special crossover episode of The Wolff Den tonight. Check it out on LinkedIn and Facebook after the call.

10:27:36 From Paul Bains to Everyone : So is the biggest issue figuring out ROI or retargeting?

10:29:00 From Jason Greenhalgh to Everyone :

10:29:23 From Paul Bains to Everyone : At the end of the day we want to be where people are talking about our sport. If the supporters are still on Facebook then we need to be there

10:30:54 From Paul Bains to Everyone : Yup Twitter is the best for real time interaction or viewers on a livestream post match reaction that we do for some games

10:31:01 From Aileen McManamon to Everyone : I do the same…absolutely helps when you are watching esp really, really remotely from your team

10:32:20 From Aileen McManamon to Everyone : Sorry, but teams by & large are not great at putting social content out there…you gotta let the SM content people get cheeky. LA Kings do it but generally the social coming from the team is crap.

10:32:31 From Paul Bains to Everyone : We are still seeing teams live tweet commentary of a game for those that aren’t at the game. For me though the Tribe Sports App is better for that

10:33:35 From Felix Koehler to Everyone : As a Dortmund fan, I can’t follow all of my games and jump onto YT & IG the next morning

10:34:22 From matt payne to Everyone : Was just going to ask if Live Tweeting a game was still relevant – has it moved now to BTS and giving fans access to areas they can’t otherwise access?

10:34:59 From Paul Bains to Everyone : Sports mainly try to kill content creators on YouTube with copyright hits even though they are growing the audience and keeping people interested

10:36:12 From Paul Bains to Everyone : Fantastic call, looked at the Pelicans line up this morning and there were a bunch of names I didn’t recognise

10:38:09 From Ronen Ainbinder to Everyone : would love to connect with everyone here –

10:39:03 From matt payne to Everyone : Liz Cabbage Vs Andrew Bogut going well

10:39:09 From matt payne to Everyone : Cambage***

10:39:26 From Aileen McManamon to Everyone : Absolutely.

10:39:43 From matt payne to Everyone :

10:44:00 From Sean Callanan to Everyone :

10:44:38 From Paul Bains to Everyone : With rugby clubs I’ve found that often dong interviews with athletes that don’t get interviewed by the main stream media. This way all their friends and family will share also it’s not just another interview with that player

10:45:44 From Aileen McManamon to Everyone : You'll see a lot of insight/education coming out of the NCAA Name-Image-Likeness legislation in the US that will help athletes understand better how they can capitalize on their SM

10:49:46 From Aileen McManamon to Everyone : In North America have seen an increasing number of NFL players esp putting up a profile. We are seeing a lot more athletes concerning themselves with their professional post-career, their investments, etc and building their network. I sense the players associations are supporting themselves

10:51:11 From matt payne to Everyone : Are they able to capitalise from like a food/fashion influencer perspective or is that banned under the college system too?

10:51:40 From Aileen McManamon to Everyone : Currently/past has not been allowed.

10:52:17 From Paul Bains to Everyone : Heard of a cyclist that was made to be more active on social media by their team. He didn’t want to share his life so decided to do hotel reviews of the hotels they stayed in. Shows there’s a space for athletes to share things that aren’t personal and build a following

10:54:57 From Aileen McManamon to Everyone : Yes Paul! Not every athlete feels like being a public person. Always encourage athletes to channel whatever talent they have – not just speaking/posing…

10:55:39 From Aileen McManamon to Everyone : Thanks so much Sean – always great to see you. And congrats on the podcast milestone!!

10:55:54 From Dominic Remond to Everyone : Thanks Sean

10:55:55 From Doug Mann to Everyone : Thanks Sean!

10:56:01 From Ronen Ainbinder to Everyone : Thanks sean!