Sean Callanan chats with Phoenix Suns CIO Steve Reese in this Sports Geek interview

On this podcast you'll learn about:

  • What is it like to move the IT infrastructure of an NFL team
  • How IT is a big part of modern sports high performance
  • The deal Steve made with high performance to benefit himself & front office
  • Why sleep is key for better health
  • How a better sleep helps you deal with daily distractions
  • How understanding your sleep patterns is paramount to a good nights sleep.
  • How Steve is planning to manage new sleep regime with stadium renovation project
Steve Reese - Phoenix Suns

Listen to Steve Reese on Sports Geek

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Thanks for the review on Apple Podcasts

A resource: insightful, current & focused content ★★★★★

Tough to find more focused, specialist content at the intersection of sports (marketing) and digital/online media + technology. Diversity of guests in terms of both occupation and home-market pretty much guarantees interesting knowledge spillovers. Thanks for days on days of great content Sean
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