Westpac Stadium CEO Shane Harmon chats about his experience with Rugby World Cup in 2011 and his new role at Westpac Stadium in Wellington. On Harf Time we look look back at why #WarriorsLive was a success bringing fans into the huddle at a preseason practice.
On this podcast you’ll find out about:
- What sports teams can learn from Gary Vanyerchuk's book promotion on Twitter
- The importance of Facebook for ticket sales for Rugby World Cup
- How Twitter was vital for Rugby World Cup as a comms tool around Christchurch earthquake
- Challenges and opportunities for stadiums and venues entering social media
- How Golden State Warriors got me out of bed at 5am
- How sports teams can leverage Google Hangouts on Air
- Find Shane Harmon on Twitter (@shaneharmon) and Linkedin
- Connect with Westpac Stadium on Twitter (@WestpacStadium) and Facebook
- Follow Rugby World Cup on Facebook
- Find Gary Vanyerchuk on Twitter (@garyvee) as well as his book @JJJRHBook
- Grab Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World
on Amazon
- Watch #WarriorsLive replay and see how Warriors engaged on social media during it
- Julie Phayer's recap of #WarriorsLive and Warriors recap
- Sounds of the game thanks to Rich Clarke from Arsenal take a listen to these fans in full voice
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Make the effort on Twitter
Follow the example of @GaryVeee (he has 1M Twitter followers)
@seancallanan trying
— Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) October 22, 2013
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