Very excited announcement in this Sports Geek Podcast, we are happy to announce in partnership with the first Sports Trendsmap built for the A-League All-Stars game against Manchester United. In this episode I chat with Francis on ABC Grandstand how Sports Trendsmap cam together and I talk about some of the future plans we have for it. After a brief appearance by Kevin Naylor from Indiana Pacers to promote SEAT Conference I take a look at some advanced Facebook ad options using Custom Audiences.
More specifically, in this podcast you’ll find out about:
- How Trendsmap pulls in tweets using API
- How Sports Trendsmap works for an event or brand
- Why you should be careful where you walk when in Boston Celtics locker room
- Why does SEAT conference have closed sessions?
- How you can target your database with Facebook Ads
- How you can increase app installs for you team mobile application.
- What is a Facebook Dark Post?

@SeanCallanan on @SportsGeek Podcast
SGP 011: Introducing Sports Trendsmap for #ALvMU & advanced Facebook targeting using CRM
Resources from the episode
Check out and Trendsmap Plus
- Find John Barratt on Twitter (@johnbarratt) and Linkedin
- Find Kevin Naylor on Twitter (@Hoops4Kev) and Linkedin
- Register for SEAT 2013 including 3 for 2 offer and 4 for 3 offer
- Read more on Facebook Ads at and check out his Social Media Pubcast
- Discussion on Twitter Ads with Daniel Pinne from Melbourne Storm
- Thanks to Kevin Perry (@BigKevAU from Origin for Sounds of the Game
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