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Growing crowds and revenue in ticketing – Michael Johnstone, Hoops Capital

In this Sports Geek episode, Sean Callanan chats with Michael Johnstone of Hoops Capital

On this podcast, you'll learn about:

  • Michael’s foray into sports and early days of membership marketing at the NRL
  • Balancing membership and high yielding ticket sales
  • Importance fan development to find and recruit new fans
  • Why Hoops Capital invests in the Kings & Flames gameday experience
  • Why Facebook is significant for ticket sales for the Sydney Kings
  • What we do at Sports Geek, more than podcasting, we can help your team
Michael Johnstone on Sports Geek

Listen to Michael Johnstone on Sports Geek

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Pick my brain

Want some help on a campaign, sponsorship or content but don’t know where to start? Book a time with Sean Callanan for a Pick My Brain session.

The Pick my brain session is a two-hour video consulting session where you can get Sean’s thoughts and opinions on ticketing or sponsorship campaigns, campaign development and digital content review.

Resources from the podcast

As discussed on the podcast

Congrats MJ on the Club Person Award

Grab your tix

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