Recently in London on #SportsGeekTrip I caught up with Richard Clarke Managing Editor of Arsenal Media Group to discuss content, social media platforms and much more. Also in this week I play a snippet from comedian's Wil Anderson's appearance on Beers, Blokes & Business on how he engages super fans and why it is important.

On this podcast you’ll find out about:
- What content works for Arsenal
- Youtube strategy for Arsenal to engage global audience
- Fan centric approach taken by Richard to deliver to Arsenal fans
- How Instagram is going gangbusters for Arsenal
- What social media platform they might next tackle
- Snapchat – Yay or Nay?
- What sports teams can learn from Wil Anderson on keeping your super fans happy
Resources from the episode
- Find Richard Clarke on Twitter (@mrrichardclarke) and Linkedin
- Check out and on Facebook and @Arsenal on Twitter
- Download the FA Cup app built by Arsenal Media Group with updates from the FA Cup Final
- Look how Arsenal brought social to the players with this video with players reading tweets fro #GunningForTheCup
- Check out Unclassic commentary videos on YouTube
- Catch up with Richard at SEAT Conference
- Listen to full episode with Wil Anderson on Beers, Blokes & Business podcast
- Connect with our Wil Anderson via follow him on Twitter @Wil_Anderson, on Facebook, on Tumblr. Listen to his podcasts TOFOP and Wilosophy
- Thanks for iTunes reviews in Australian iTunes and USA iTunes.
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