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Sports Geek guide to social media for athletes

In this episode I review how I train athletes to best use social media to connect with fans while maintaining their primary goal – performance on the court/field/track.

On this Sports Geek Podcast you will learn about:

  • Social media policy for athlete in FOUR words
  • What is my key advice to athletes
  • How social media can be a distraction and how to handle it
  • Why the Olympic movement is behind the curve on digital
  • Two teams with two different (and successful) outcomes – Hockeyroos and Kookaburras
  • What do social media platforms want from athletes?
  • What platforms will work best for athletes in Rio
  • What athletes need to know about privacy
  • Importance of knowing the rules and staying in control
Guide to social media for athletes what I teach athletes.

Sports Geek social media rules for athletes at Olympics (or any sport)

  1. “Athletes should be focussed on performance. social media is a distraction” – Don't forget why you are there!
  2. Athletes need a routine, find out where social media fits for you.
  3. Match social media platform to athlete, don't force it.
  4. Understand the why:
    • administrators
    • coaches
    • media
    • social media platforms
    • fans
  5. Privacy – know your settings and be wary of privacy of others
  6. Play by the rules (and know them)
  7. Be social and have fun
  8. Stay in control

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Great information from an insider

in iTunes by citizenchimp from Australia on September 10, 2015

This podcast is truly full of gold if you’re a marketer or agency looking for insights in the sports industry. Sean really knows his stuff – he’s spoken publicly at many occasions (I’ve had the pleasure of seeing him firsthand) and as someone in the trenches the anecdotes and data couldn’t be more up to date and valuable. Well worth a listen!

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Sports Geek Guide to Social Media for Athletes

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