Paul Greenberg is affectionately known as the Godfather of CRM, his book “CRM at the Speed of Light” serves as the textbook for most universities around the world. Sean chats with Paul about CRM trends and what sports can do with data.
On this Sports Geek Podcast you will learn:
- Why Paul developed CRM Watchlist
- How he rates CRM providers impact on the industry
- The importance of connecting digital and physical
- How loyalty and CRM fit together
- Why Paul is championing CRM in sports
- How resourcing is a big concern for CRM departments and the rise of the data scientist
- What Paul has planned for SEAT in San Francisco
- Where Sean will be in March – London & San Diego
- Get ready for SB Week coming soon to a city near you

Resources from the podcast
- Connect with Paul Greenberg on Twitter (@pgreenbe) and on Linkedin
- Read Paul on ZDNet, his website and his Slideshare
- Grab Paul's book – CRM at the Speed of Light
- Winners of CRM WatchList for 2015
- Customer engagement: Digital and Physical
- Paul was previously on Sports Geek Podcast back in 2013
- Join #SportsBizMelb to connect with Melbourne's sports business community
- Get ready for Russell Scibetti's SB Week
- Follow the Asian Cup on Twitter (@AFCAsianCup) on Instagram and Facebook
- Congrats to Michael Brown listen to our chat about Asian Cup
- Grab your ticket to @SEATConference
- San Francisco 19-22 July 2015 – SPECIAL SPORTS GEEK OFFER – Australian & NZ attendees
- SEAT London March 17 2015 – SEE YOU IN LONDON
- Contact Sean if you’re interested in the pre-SEAT trip taking in sports in Seattle, Portland & San Francisco
- Like SEAT on Facebook and follow @SEATconference on Twitter
- Join Sean at Social Media Marketing World in San Diego
- Have you signed up for weekly Sports Geek News?
Posts from Paul you may have missed
Paul is always sharing great articles
While customers demand personalized interaction, businesses start w/constraints. One of them? Regulation. Read this.
— Paul Greenberg (@pgreenbe) January 27, 2015
Stay in touch with latest trends
RT @jtaschek: Marc Benioff: The CEO is in charge of the customer journey – @ValaAfshar @martykihn @Benioff /Agree!!
— Paul Greenberg (@pgreenbe) January 6, 2015
And great case studies that you can steal
Once again, @bpmonline comes thru with the best high-spirited corporate holiday video. Take note companies.
— Paul Greenberg (@pgreenbe) December 24, 2014
Next time it will be a photo of Paul & Sean and whiskey
Hanging with the supercool CEO @GlenManchester. Note the whiskey. LOL!
— Paul Greenberg (@pgreenbe) September 11, 2014