Citation & Republication

All of the content featured on & is the intellectual property of Sports Geek Pty Ltd and is protected by copyright.

If you’d like to feature our podcasts or reports on your own website or blog, the best approach is to link back to our posts.

You’re also welcome to republish individual pages from our reports and reference interviews from our podcasts at all times that your use of such content represents ‘fair dealing’ as defined by Australian law, and that:

  1. you do not charge people for access to the content (please contact us if you'd like to include data, charts, insights, or analysis from any of our reports or podcasts as part of paid publications, products, or services);

  2. you republish each relevant page in its entirety and in its original design, including all dates, titles, flags, labels, data sources, footnotes, and brand logos;

  3. you do not intentionally misrepresent or distort any of the data or analyses;

  4. you include clear attribution to Sports Geek; and

  5. you include a clear URL or hyperlink to the relevant podcast on

In all cases, please email us if you’d like to republish any of the content in our analysis articles or podcasts in their entirety.


If you’d like to reference our reports in academic, scientific, or research papers, we recommend the following citation style, using our Mark Cuban podcast as an example:

Sports Geek (2014), “Mark Cuban on Sports Geek” retrieved from

Raw data and production files

Please note that we are unable to provide any of the raw data or files used to produce our podcasts.

Podcast files Must not be downloaded and rehosted.

Other enquiries

If you have any other questions about reusing any of the content featured on or in any of our reports, please click here to send us an email.