Do @DemonsHQ players need to reply to #AFLpleaseexplain? @seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:44+11:00 Do @DemonsHQ players need to reply to #AFLpleaseexplain?@seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:44+11:00
AFL Vs NRL, #SB45 & March Madness @seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:45+11:00 AFL Vs NRL, #SB45 & March Madness@seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:45+11:00
The battle for social media fans – @AFL Vs @NRL @seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:45+11:00 The battle for social media fans – @AFL Vs @NRL@seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:45+11:00
Quoting Tweets: A guide for sports media @seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:46+11:00 Quoting Tweets: A guide for sports media@seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:46+11:00
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Sports Geek at the MCG – Where are your fans? @seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:47+11:00 Sports Geek at the MCG – Where are your fans?@seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:47+11:00
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Sports Social Media Index – NRL @seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:53+11:00 Sports Social Media Index – NRL@seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:53+11:00
Twitter & Facebook World Cup, Crazy Sports Fans & NCAA marketing @seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:53+11:00 Twitter & Facebook World Cup, Crazy Sports Fans & NCAA marketing@seancallanan2017-09-17T18:49:53+11:00
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