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Rebranding a sports team: Melbourne United

In a special but very quick interview Sean catches up with Melbourne United's Vince Crivelli on the rebrand of Tigers to United.  Gary Vanyerchuk makes a quick appearance thanks to his excellent #AskGaryVee Podcast, listen in for Sean's take on it.

On this Sports Geek Podcast you will learn:

  • Why Melbourne United rebrand happened
  • What steps Vince took to reach new fans
  • The importance of reaching out to participants
  • How does it feel as a former Tigers fan to see United play
  • Why 1>0 has been important to Sean in building Sports Geek

Resources from the podcast

Blast from the Past – Tigers Hoodlums

Posts from Melbourne United you may have missed

From the game I interviewed Vince at Margaret Court Arena

Fans are loving the extra effort the players are making post match

United go all out for pre-game

Even got Dennis Rodman into the action on his visit to Australia


Must watch Gary Vaynerchuk video

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Rebranding a sports team: Melbourne United Transcription

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