On this week's episode, Sean chats to Fiona Green, Director and Co-Founder of Winners. Fiona is Sean's “go to” person for all things data and CRM person and a returning guest of the podcast. Sean and Fiona discuss the new general data protection regulations (GDPR) that come into effect this year in the EU.
On this podcast you'll learn about:
- What GDPR will mean for companies and how the process of collecting data will change
- Fiona's take on the new regulations and how your business can prepare for these changes
- How good data governance can help build a better sponsorship picture and secure sponsorship
- How UEFA used data to help secure Booking.com sponsorship
- The release of Fiona's book about the world of CRM, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics in the sports industry

Let’s chat
Resources from the podcast
- Thanks again to Fiona Green from Winners for returning as a guest on our show
- Connect with Fiona on Twitter @FionaGreen66 and LinkedIn
- Follow the Winner on Twitter @WinnersCRM and LinkedIn
- Here is Facebook's response to GDPR
- Other Sports Geek podcast episodes you might be interested in:
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Some tweets you may have missed
Need help with GDPR? Call The Winners
43% of #sportsbiz do not feel mgmt are supportive of GDPR compliance c/o @LawInSport If you're one of those and need help to get buy-in we can schedule a call to help you https://t.co/yvcQE8qvxi
— Fiona Green (@fionagreen66) January 25, 2018
Workshops in Serbia
Today we're in Serbia carrying out #CRM workshops for @FSSrbije. Thanks for being so engaged so far! pic.twitter.com/62E4nMmQdb
— Winners CRM 🏆 (@WinnersCRM) February 7, 2018
Can you guess where Winners were?
After @bcfctweets' recent #marketing success using GIFS, we thought we’d try making our own! Can anyone guess where we are today?🤔🏆 #SportsBiz #smsports pic.twitter.com/9sx7LbINFT
— Winners CRM 🏆 (@WinnersCRM) January 23, 2018
Thanks for the review on iTunes
Insightful and interesting
★★★★★ in Apple Podcasts by sportssasha from UK on January 23, 2018
I can’t wait for this podcast to come out. It is so interesting and insightful and is extremely helpful for someone keen to know more about the industry. Keep up the good work!