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UbiPark – Parking solution that can improve the fan experience AND bring new revenue into sports

UbiPark’s zero contact parking solution allows motorists to enter, exit and pay for parking without ever opening the window and reaching out of the car. It’s seamless, safe & hygienic. Save time, save money and be on your way faster and hassle-free.

UbiPark is positioned to deliver a compelling new revenue stream to the sports industry while enhancing the customer experience and contact tracing options.

In this Sports Geek Amplify episode, Mosstyn Howell from UbiPark discusses they integrated UbiPark for Australian Open fans to find nearby parking options when heading to the tennis.   Be sure to get in touch to integrate UbiPark with your apps.

So how can we improve that fan experience and can we give them a better start to getting to the event? The typical problem is, I'm stuck in traffic. I'm going to miss the first bounce or the start of the tennis game, which is not a great experience. I've just paid some good money to go go to the event. Now I'm going to miss the start of it because I'm stuck in a traffic jam.  So UbiPark can get them in to a car park faster so they don't miss the start of the game.

Mosstyn Howell, UbiPark
Mosstyn Howell, UbiPark on Sports Geek Amplify

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