Question one comes from Jo, she asks, Facebook and Instagram are removing likes and like accounts. Will it affect sports?
Good question, Jo. I mean, Instagram and Facebook are constantly changing and you really can't be too reactive to what Facebook is going to do. It's always going to do what it's going to do. You just have to adapt. I actually don't think it will affect sports and sports, digital sports teams and leagues overall. I think it actually will benefit good content and and won't actually. I think it a little bit more as they sort of use that as a as a proving tool of what they're doing and maybe even a self validation tool. But if you're using like some posters as validation for your content, I'd think you really should be assessing why you're doing your content. So I don't think it will affect the overall piece. I think there is obviously a lot shifting in the Facebook space. They want to keep people on the platform and not moving away from the platform. So I think we'll continue to see the traffic drop, but I don't think that's related to the likes. It is disappointing. I mean, we'd always use the likes as a bit of social proof and sort of use that hack of getting likes in a post and in sharing it with other people and different audiences via ads to sort of use this a bit of social proof. So that's that tactic is now gone. So as I said, I do need to be net do need to be aware and adapt. One thing I would be keeping an eye on from Facebook on what it is trying to do is it's trying to it's trying to reduce click bait. So Facebook knows. But by and large, when people go to a site and when people leave and come back because most people have their Facebook pixel now installed in their site. So if you're not producing content that actually does engage, Facebook might falsely consider your content. Clickbait. So the things that I'd be looking at, bounce rates of your website, ensuring that the content you're producing is actually engaging.
So no, just put up a post that says here's so and sos injury and they click and they find out and then they bounce back because it could it could result in click bait notifications, which could restrict your reach, which is already currently being restricted. So keep an eye on that. Keep an eye on some of the some of the documentation around that arena. Click bait notifications and especially make sure that you are on Facebook Business Manager. Facebook is doing a really big job of trying to make sure everyone is using Business Manager rather than just managing their page via Facebook dot com. So if you are still managing your brand page or your team page via and you've got a blue Facebook title bar, I'd strongly consider looking at moving your pages to Business Manager and in requiring all your employees to be using Facebook Business manager, which is So I'd be looking to upgrade that because I think it's going to play a big part in what Facebook wants to do with pages sort of going forward.