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Data & Sponsorship

Data & Sponsorship – #SportsBizZoom replay

These calls were recorded on 24th & 25th November 2020 as part of our regular calls.

Topic was Data & Sponsorship

Opinions expressed on the call are personal only and may not reflect the view of the employer.

We want to maintain #SportsBizZoom conversations to be as open as possible so please respect that.

19:59:29 From Sean Callanan : Welcome please share your Name, Location, Work & Linkedin
Sean Callanan, Melbourne Australia, Sports Geek –
19:59:57 From Chester Duff :
20:00:09 From Rob Mitchell : Morning, I'm Rob Mitchell from AFC Bournemouth in the UK
20:00:09 From Chester Duff : Chester Duff – UK
20:00:20 From Zach Davis-Hancock : Zach Davis-Hancock from Brisbane in Australia
20:02:19 From Adam de Carvalho : Adam de Carvalho from Moonsport, Cape Town SA 🤙
20:02:34 From Rob Mitchell : My LinkedIn profile
20:03:23 From Darren Parsons : Darren Parsons InCrowd Sports, London Senior Account & Insights Manager
20:03:25 From Pierre G : Hi all, Pierre from Paris, France :
20:04:01 From Robert Honan : Robert Honan – The Community & Club Collective, Founder:
20:05:16 From Alex Pinter : Hi guys! This is me, Alex Pinter – I guess, the only Austrian in today’s Zoom call.
20:05:27 From Bronson Mokabela : Bronson Mokabela – Digigage Sports & Entertainment, South Africa –
20:06:03 From Ginelle Polini : Ginelle – Brand Partnerships for a football publisher called Squawka at Catena Media. Can connect here
20:11:02 From Jason Bajada : Oh I forgot to add: I am here to learn. I don't really have much to do in the club around data or sponsorship, so here to absorb some info and ideas 🙂
20:12:14 From Rob Mitchell : the make-up of your supporter / customer base
20:16:32 From Bronson Mokabela : In this conversation on Digital; do most teams have a specific team to collect, analyse and unlock insights, as well as a social media and digital team – or do people in the team do this all (with limited resources)?
20:33:42 From Rob Mitchell : Picking up on what Ginelle spoke about brands looking for customer acquisitions ….I'm keen to hear what KPIs brands are setting beyond the usual media value and digital engagement and how rights holders / agencies set these
20:35:03 From Zach Davis-Hancock : Is there a formula for the conversion of audience insights to prices for sponsorships?
20:36:42 From Ginelle Polini : @Rob I agree with Sean I think it’s important to start with content & brand awareness, so we focus on this. Eventually we’ll look at. Click through rate & conversion rate.. CPM is also important because it can show how far their budgets go. If you can develop revenue share deals this can satisfy both parties as well and conversion is a focus on both sides.
20:37:12 From Ginelle Polini : Definitely a mix of metrics rather than one set formula.. every partner is different
20:37:48 From Bronson Mokabela : It seems a big danger is that if the objectives and measures of success are not clear upfront, everyone will be reporting on things that are not what the other party is looking for…
20:38:28 From Zach Davis-Hancock : That is very true @bronson
20:38:45 From Rob Mitchell : thank you @Ginelle
20:39:24 From Mustafa Salih : Can I ask….how have you helped sponsors realize their benefits beyond brand awareness
20:48:50 From Pierre G : Is there a tool to manage the construction of the sponsor marketing offer (set of marketing rights, valuation model, digital rate card)?
20:56:10 From Rob Mitchell : I need to jump straight into another meeting. Thanks Sean and good to meet you all
20:57:03 From Chester Duff : Thanks Sean, I have to jump off now – see you on the next call

10:00:39 From Paul Bains : Hello Everyone 🙂
10:00:42 From Sean Callanan : Welcome please share your Name, Location, Work & Linkedin
Sean Callanan, Melbourne Australia, Sports Geek –

10:00:51 From Dominic Remond : Morning
10:00:58 From Dominic Remond : Dom Remond – Sydney Director at Grow Step – Helping businesses grow and monetize their audience, fan and customer base.
10:01:22 From Darren Anderson : Darren Anderson, Melbourne-based, Founder @ Forward Pivot,
10:01:23 From David Mackay : David Mackay – Partner @ SPP in Melbourne.
10:01:27 From Craig Green : SprtsHQ : Hi Craig Green – SprtsHQ.
10:01:40 From Paul Bains : Good afternoon from New Zealand, I’m Paul the founder of New Zealand Sport Radio
10:01:51 From Steve Conley : Good Evening Everyone. Steve Conley – SR.. Data Engineer Nascar –
10:02:00 From Phil Cotton : Phil Cotton – CEO & Founder, Elevate Sports Co, London –
10:02:04 From Stewart Macdonald : Stewart Macdonald – Marketing Graduate
10:02:25 From bhaskaak : Akhil Bhaskar, MBA student, New Jersey
10:02:32 From Tinus Le Roux : Tinus le Roux – CEO Fancam/CrowdIQ.
10:02:34 From Daniel Taylor : Daniel Taylor: Senior Consultant at Research Strategy Group ( Based in Philadelphia. LinkedIn:
10:02:34 From Tinus Le Roux :
10:02:37 From Vicki Brown : Hi all, Vicki Brown, Sales & Marketing Grad, Melbourne
10:03:03 From Sarah Stocks : Sarah Stocks, Co-founder Teammo, Melbourne
10:04:50 From Paul Bains : The tool I’ve come across is LIGR.Live for putting scores and graphics over livestreams
10:10:28 From Paul Bains : Great point, if you’re multi streaming to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter at the same time how do you consolidate the data when a view is defined differently by different platforms
10:11:54 From Sean Callanan to bhaskaak (Privately) : What is your first name?
10:15:59 From Luke.Woolley : Luke Woolley, Populous, Singapore
10:16:13 From Doug Mann : Hi all, Doug Mann from VRC in Melbourne. Happy to connect:
10:16:22 From Jennifer van Dijk : Jennifer van Dijk;; ceo of Hoonigan
10:17:12 From Paul Bains : Car culture, just racing or across all aspects? Over here in NZ it’s beech hop this weekend with lots of old American cars around at the mo
10:19:00 From Amy Wadwell : Amy Wadwell, Digital Marketing at Paralympics Australia, based in Sydney:
10:19:11 From Scott Dinsdale :
10:19:56 From Jennifer van Dijk : @Paul…it is a bit of everything but enthusiast focused primarily – drifting to muscle cars. Beech hop? Gotta check it out!
10:20:06 From Paul Bains : With wearables the athlete’s data is really interesting and does the team or athlete own that data and how invasive is it into their personal life
10:20:20 From Steve Conley : Fan / customer interaction
10:20:47 From Darren Anderson : The inputs that guide information for decision-making
10:20:48 From Paul Bains : Anything that’s measurable
10:23:55 From Darren Anderson : True @Paul, and often we think of measurables as quantitative data only but the qualitative side is just as important
10:24:26 From Daniel Taylor : agreed with @Darren – a disgruntled fan commenting on a social media post is data
10:24:33 From Paul Bains : @Jennifer it’s the biggest classic car event here in NZ, focusing on American classic cars
10:25:47 From Jennifer van Dijk : Oh ill check it out…giving away a mustang I see…check this out:
10:27:08 From David Mackay : @Darren, @Paul – it's important to work out which data is important. A single disgruntled fan on social media may be noisy but may not be representative of broader views.
10:29:44 From Daniel Taylor : @David – it might not be a broader view, but could be the first data point that leads to greater investigation on a quantitative level
10:29:46 From Rennie Gilchrist to Sean Callanan (Privately) : Sorry Sean. Have to jump off at 10.30. Interested in future data x sponsorship discussions in the future. Thanks for hosting!
10:32:29 From Scott Dinsdale : As “everything” is data … and so there is always too much to do regardless of your data maturity level … the question it what’s most important to you goals today and tomorrow
10:32:39 From Scott Dinsdale : … exactly the point David is now making
10:32:58 From Paul Bains : As I’m growing New Zealand Sport Radio there are 2 data points that I’m focusing on:
10:33:16 From Paul Bains : 2) Audience size/growth
10:33:28 From Paul Bains : SO number 1 data point is dollars
10:33:34 From Craig Green : SprtsHQ : Did anyone read the Golf Australia report that was released yesterday ? I thought it raised more questions than detailing any real insights that can steer the industry moving forward.
10:34:16 From Tinus Le Roux : I like this question Sean.
10:34:24 From Scott Dinsdale : I might suggest dollars are the result / outcome … the question is what data tells you whether you are or are not heading there
10:34:56 From Phil Cotton : Craig, can you share that link on Golf Australia report?
10:36:42 From Craig Green : SprtsHQ : Golf Australia report …
10:37:26 From Phil Cotton : Thanks, will read it.
10:37:42 From Luke.Woolley : Working with Netflix last year on a few live event activations. Data is becoming a high priority to match the data they receive from their online work. Counting how many people that come to the space, how long they stay, do they return, did they bring a friend.
10:41:58 From David Mackay : We see a lot of organisations obsessed with getting ‘more data' when they don't know how to use the data they already have. That's why we focus on the question and decisions to be made first.
10:42:00 From Tinus Le Roux : Preach it! Graig
10:43:45 From Paul Bains : Part of the strength of sports sponsorship is the emotional engagement with a team. Is there a common data point to measure emotional link to a team?
10:43:47 From Phil Cotton : Agree with David. Also depends on the brand and their industry/sector. Many have different needs and objectives, not necessarily one size fits all.
10:45:13 From Paul Bains : Yup B2B will have different goals than a B2C company when sponsoring
10:45:15 From Tinus Le Roux : Question to the group: Is there an opportunity for teams to monetize data by providing insights to non-sponsor brands?
10:46:06 From Craig Green : SprtsHQ : I think there is @Tinus
10:47:31 From Scott Dinsdale : It’s happening in a few places … the challenge with most is they don’t have the user permissions to do it (ij addition to have the sophistication to conceive and execute)
10:47:56 From Luke.Woolley : I think so @Tinus, whether its the sporting fitness side of things or its the marketing side of things. Many avenues to go down for partnerships
10:56:06 From David Mackay : Absolutely Sarah – Test and learn!
10:56:16 From Tinus Le Roux : Sarah is calling from 2023
10:57:07 From David Mackay : Vanity metrics!
10:57:20 From Doug Mann : Good call Sarah, got to use a mix of quant and qual to help build segments
10:57:47 From Craig Green : SprtsHQ : Thanks @Sean
10:57:58 From Steve Conley : Thanks Sean – Happy Thanksgiving to everyone
10:57:59 From Scott Dinsdale : Thanks all
10:58:33 From Phil Cotton : Thanks Sean and everyone. Another great education!
10:59:01 From Dominic Remond : Thanks Sean – as always thought provoking
10:59:10 From Sarah Stocks : Thanks!
10:59:15 From Stewart Macdonald : Thanks Sean.

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