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Chris Anstey – Cutting in on The Last Dance

Sean Callanan chats with Aussie basketballer Chris Anstey in this Sports Geek interview.

On this podcast you'll learn about:

  • How Chris Anstey's rookie season crossed paths with The Last Dance Bulls
  • What was Chris thinking not getting in the game in the first half
  • How Chris helped lead an improbable comeback to force OT
  • Tangling & niggling with Dennis Rodman
  • Dealing with the isolation and travel of being a professional basketballer
  • What Chris learned from Steve Nash about team practice
  • Advice for young basketballers looking to improve in isolation
  • How Chris is developing as a coach and who was the best coach he had
  • How the basketball world even enemies are coming together to support Parky

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Chris Anstey - Artwork by @SKETCHNKUSTOM

Listen to Chris Anstey on Sports Geek

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Resources from the podcast

Chris' Facebook Post

Which inspired this from @SKETCHNKUSTOM

And a quick appearance at the start of episode 3 of The Last Dance

One Slide – Two Minutes

From presentation given to SBS in 2017 in preparation for World Cup, listen to Sean explain and remix this slide on the podcast

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