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Storytelling and creating more hero profiles, Zarah Al-Kudcy

In this Sports Geek Throwback episode, Zarah Al-Kudcy from episode 193,  who was at the F1 when the episode was recorded, and is now Commercial Director at Chelsea Football Club.

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Key Takeaways

In this Sports Geek Throwback, Zarah and Sean discussed the narrative strategy adopted by Formula 1, with a concentrated focus on continuous storytelling and the creation of more ‘hero profiles.'

  • Zarah discusses the importance of storytelling in the context of sports
  • The concept of ‘hero profiles' is underscored as a vital component in the narrative strategy of F1
  • Zarah explains how these narrative techniques contribute to the overall fan experience and engagement.
  • The potential benefits of this approach for the growth and popularity of the sport
  • The conversation also touches upon the potential impact of this strategy on the marketing and promotional aspects

This transcript has been lightly edited by AI

Sean: And F1 has always been you know that you have had that driver focus and we're seeing other sports you know the NBA in particular like really pushing the athlete driven story. You know people follow the stars and the drivers definitely are the stars in F1 so it is a bit of that balance to be promoting the stars the drivers they are the story. But then there's so many stories behind them they can get told that the fans that are deeper in want to hear.

Zarah: Yeah and I think one of the things that we're looking to do because it's all fan focused. F1 is telling more stories and building more hero profiles I should say the NBA did a brilliant job with it. And actually I find it fascinating because the sort of player trades in the NBA happen so much they don't have as much of a tribal nature as maybe you do in soccer. And yes I mean yes okay LeBron got his jersey back when he left Cleveland but was forgiven when he came back and won a title.

Zarah: But at the same time it's less it is I find interesting how you know a lot of players can switch quite a lot and I think we're seeing even in Premier League so much of a one team player anymore and people are moving around.

Sean: Well but but but I think what's happening in the NBA and I think a little bit in football as well is that people are following both their team but then they're also saying I follow that player. So that's why they're tuning in. And you know if you take a look at the NBA in the NFL one of the things or you know baseball to a lesser extent like a lot of people say you know I follow the NFL but I don't get to see their face because they're underneath the helmet all the time. Where NBA players are always visible. But one thing I think F1does well even though the drivers are always underneath when they're driving you know they're very recognizable and they're promoted and then you know there were inches of articles this week just on Sebastian Vettel's haircut. Yeah it's the kind of thing so there is a good job in actually doing those hero pieces.

Zarah: So you're right to point out the helmet issue as well I mean I don't know if you saw the graphics change this weekend. And you have seen the driving test on the side we've now included the faces of the drivers. Yes well not just the names and the opening sequence again is all about heroing the drivers and building those profiles as well.

Zarah: So yeah helmets are a challenge sometimes.

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