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Facebook Promoted Posts – WTF?

Here at Sports Geek HQ, we're always testing out new ways of doing things. Today, we are focussing on Facebook and their promoted posts options.

Cinda Baxter of Always Upward recently wrote an article explaining the new and confusing changes to Facebook regarding promoted posts and what they really mean.

Jon Loomer also wrote about his opinion on Facebook promoted posts, including testing it out, showing the results and comparing promoted posts to page post advertising to see if the promoted posts are effective.

That's Nonsense took it a step further, exploring Facebook's EdgeRank algorithm and explains it's significance to promoted posts.

While doing our own tests and examples here at HQ, we discovered an interesting difference with the promoted posts. As Sean and I are both admins on the Sports Geek Facebook Page, we had a look to see if there was any difference between when I attempted to promote a post and when Sean attempted to promote a post.

While there shouldn't have been a difference, there was:

Can you spot the difference? On exactly the same page, at the same time, two admins got two different price listings for the promoted post, with a different estimated reach each time. Is it that big of a deal? No, not really, but where is the consistency?

On top of our own testing, we looked at promoted posts from the point of view of larger businesses and sporting organisations. With a larger following on Facebook, the potential costing for a bigger fan base can end up being gargantuan per post – are they going to pay this with no guarantee it will be delivered to all their fans? 

With such exorbitant pricing attached to promoting posts, what brand, even one here that has around 100,000 fans, will be willing to spend so much on a promoted post?

For more information on promoted posts, check out the official video from Facebook.

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